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221 Inline Lever Connector With Lever

SKU: 221-2411

£0.40 (Inc. VAT at 20%)

£0.33 (Exc. VAT)

Compact inline lever splicing connector for all conductor types up to 4mm². Connects solid, stranded and fine stranded conductors in any combination 50% faster, safer and without the need for tools. The slim transparent housing allows visual inspection the conductors have been inserted correctly and test slots front and back make circuit testing easy.

  • Inline connection of solid
  • stranded and fine-stranded conductors from 0
  • 2 to 4 mm² (24–16 AWG)
  • Slim design saves space in tight areas
  • Tool-free connection and disconnection thanks to convenient lever technology
  • Use a mounting carrier for fixed and multi-pole wiring


221 Inline Lever Connector With Lever

£0.40 (Inc. VAT at 20%)

£0.33 (Exc. VAT)

Compact inline lever splicing connector for all conductor types up to 4mm². Connects solid, stranded and fine stranded conductors in any combination 50% faster, safer and without the need for tools. The slim transparent housing allows visual inspection the conductors have been inserted correctly and test slots front and back make circuit testing easy.

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